Endeavour House is a thriving centre for social change organisations in Canberra.
Our community offers a mix of tenants organisations involved in campaigning, community health services, business services, research and policy development, as well as local retailers.
Endeavour House holds a clear vision to become the platform for the Australian “Voice” of Social Change, which means:
Amplifying the voices of our community members and those wishing to effect positive social change at a National Policy level.
Creating awareness of issues and educating society to the facts that sit behind the reasons why change is necessary.
Allowing the external and building to become a canvas (or stage) for Voices to share their purpose.
Engage with storytelling, culture and the arts so that important messages resonate and are passed on.
Offer an alternative political commentary, through satire, and challenge, that is independent from vested interests.
Creating a Canberra icon that becomes known as a centre for good people, who do good work.

Community of purpose-driven organisations
Environmental performance goals
Close to Manuka cafes
24/7 Access
Lockable bike storage
15 minutes from Parliament House
Our Community.
Looking for a space?
Looking for a new office, or space to hold an event?
Contact us to see what is available.
1 Franklin Street
Manuka ACT 2603